UAB "Plungės vėjo energija"

UAB "Plungės vėjo energija"

Company code: 304939316
VAT identification number: LT100012741010
Head office: Plungė, Vytauto st. 7-14
Correspondence address: Laisvės ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania
Establishment date and register: In 2018 October 31 registered in the Register of Legal Entities
E-mail: [email protected]

UAB „Ignitis renewables“ – 100 %

Share capital:
EUR 2,500

Articles of association

Ignitis Renewables owns renewable energy projects in the Baltic States and Poland and also is in charge of operation, supervision and development of wind farms. Development of new wind and solar energy projects is compatible with the strategic goal of the Group – increase of portfolio of green generation assets.

More information about Ignitis Renewables projects you can find here.

Ignitis Group companies are fully committed to build a sustainable future. You can read more about the Group's sustainability activities in the 2023 Sustainability (Corporate Social Responsibility) Report, which is part of the Group's annual report.

Performance 2023 (EUR million):
Revenue: -
Expenses: (0.0)
Adjusted EBITDA: (0.0)
Net profit: (0.0)
Investments: 0.1
Assets: 0.1
Equity: (0.0)
Liabilities: (0.1)

Number of employees:

Investuotojų blokelis
Laisvai įvedamas tekstas

UAB "Plungės vėjo energija" is part of Ignitis group companies. Therefore in its activities follows the general strategy of the Group


Failų sąrašas
Renginių sąrašas
Our vision, mission and values
Our purpose and values
Laisvai įvedamas tekstas

Ignitis Group's purpose is to create a 100% green and secure energy ecosystem for current and future generations.

Our values unite, motivate and inspire us: responsibility, partnership, openness and growth.

We are a diverse team of energy smart people united by a common purpose to create a 100% green and secure energy ecosystem for current and future generations.

Failų sąrašas
Renginių sąrašas
Laisvai įvedamas tekstas

Ignitis Group is committed to acting in a responsible and harmonious manner, thus it does not tolerate any form of corruption in its daily activities, and advocates fair business and transparent communication with all interested parties.

Prevention of corruption

Failų sąrašas
Renginių sąrašas
Giedrius Meškelė