Management Bodies

Management Board and CEO

Management Board is a collegial management body set out in the Ignitis Group’s Articles of Association. The activities of the Management Board are regulated by the Law on Companies, its implemented legislation, the Corporate Governance Guidelines, the Articles of Association of Ignitis Group and the Rules of Procedure of the Management Board.

The Management Board consists of five members and elects the Chair, who is also the CEO of Ignitis Group, from among its members. The members of the Management Board are employees of the parent company, they are elected by the Supervisory Board on the proposal of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. The Management Board is elected for a term of four years.

The Members of the Board of the Company must meet the general and specific criteria laid down by law. The Management Board of the parent company shall be formed in view of the provision that the competencies of the members of the Management Board must be diverse. The need for competencies is determined by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Supervisory Board, which identify the required skills and, accordingly, approve the profiles of competencies of each of the Management Board members, during the formation of the Management Board.

The members of the Management Board, within their competence, must ensure the proper conduct of the company’s operations and/or attention to the relevant areas at the Group level. , neither can a member of a supervisory body, management body or administrative body of a legal entity engaged in electricity or gas distribution activities, an auditor or an employee of an audit company who participates and/or participated in the audit of financial statements if a period of more than 2 years has not elapsed.

The term of the Ignitis Group’s current Management Board ends on 18 February 2026.

Darius Maikštėnas
CEO, Chair of the Management Board
Dr. Živilė Skibarkienė
Management Board Member, Chief Organisational Development Officer
Jonas Rimavičius
Management Board Member, CFO
Mantas Mikalajūnas
Management Board Member, Head of Group Regulated Activities
Vidmantas Salietis
Management Board Member, Chief Commercial Officer